Jobs & Culture

Working at SIBIRGroup

At SIBIRGroup, you can find the ideal working environment to develop your skills. Engaged and team-minded employees ensure the high standard of our products and services. Their commitment and flexibility contribute significantly to improving our market position.

Strength lies in tradition.

We have been operating successfully as an SME on the Swiss market since 1945. Our employees represent our foundation and contribute significantly to our success. We not only practise Swiss values such as tradition, reliability and quality, but also innovation.

We are characterised by short decision-making channels which enable us to quickly address customer wishes, identity their needs and implement them swiftly. At SIBIRGroup, you’ll find a harmonious environment with open and respectful communication. We uphold our social responsibility by treating our stakeholders fairly. Besides success, job satisfaction and mutual appreciation play a critical role at our workplace. We are convinced that long-term, sustainable success is only possible with motivated and satisfied staff.

SIBIR service technician repairs refrigerator compartment

The future lies in supporting young people.

We understand that young people represent the future. That is why we fulfil our duties in vocational education and train young professionals every year, who often receive a permanent position with us after their initial training. This allows them to adopt important and necessary practices in everyday working life. The further development of our staff is also important to us. We promote and expand on the individual skills and strengths of each of our employees through professional training, just as we meet our responsibility in professional development by providing internal training.

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  • «At SIBIRGroup, my training has given me many opportunities to acquire and refine various skills. The cross-departmental challenges have contributed significantly to my personal and professional development.»

    Anthony Musaj

    Apprentice Businessman

  • «SIBIRGroup has short decision-making processes and multifaceted roles. Leading and further developing my team as well the active support in daily operations make my job highly varied.»

    Christoph Boksberger

    Head of Internal Sales

  • «At SIBIRGroup, I get the chance to use my many years of experience in IT project management and in the realisation of complex digital IT architectures in a smaller environment in a down-to-earth and sustainable way. In larger companies, decision-making paths can be endlessly long or deliberately left unanswered - here, people are much closer to each other in a collegial way and can therefore bring much more performance to the floor within a short time. Pragmatic decisions and clear lines allow for crisp progress in developments and projects with correspondingly short paths. I find this combination of collegial cooperation and down-to-earth approach very congenial and purposeful.»

    Thomas Kneubühler
